
Graded’s bus service is provided by a consortium of drivers, Consórcio de Transportadores Escolares, but regulated in-house. 

The Consórcio de Transportadores Escolares will send monthly bills to parents' email addresses on the 10th day of each month for the 2024-25 academic year. Payments will be divided into twelve monthly installments from July 2024-June 2025, and payment will be due on the 25th day of each month.

The prices for the 2024-25 academic year are listed below. If you are not a current user, please note that space depends on availability and some routes are already filled. Pickup and drop-off routes are pre-determined.

Regions covered

Monthly Round-trip Bus Rider Fee Daily Bus Pass Fee (One-way)

Zone 1
Morumbi - Vila Andrade - Panamby - Real Parque - Cidade Jardim



Zone 2
Santo Amaro - Chácara Flora - Chácara Santo Antônio - Alto da Boa Vista - Itaim Bibi - Vila Olímpia - Jardim Paulistano - Jardim Europa - Brooklin - Campo Belo



Zone 3
Moema - Vila Nova Conceição - Paraíso



Zone 4



Please note:

  • Siblings receive a 20% discount.
  • The cost of one-way bus transportation is 80% of the total.
  • The Consórcio offers a daily bus pass option (see one-way trip prices on the table above). If you are interested in purchasing a daily bus pass for your child(ren), please submit a request via PowerSchool on the Student Logistics page at least two hours before the trip. Non-monthly bus riders are permitted to use the school bus up to two times per week. A higher frequency user will be classified as a monthly bus rider. 
  • For more information about schedules and locations, contact Silvio Pedroso at 3747-4844 or
  • For billing information, contact (11) 96900-4384 or
  • For additional information, please fill out this form.

Please note that parents must authorize the use of the bus transportation service in PowerSchool by making a Student Logistics request.