Assignment (with projected amount of time that it will take for the student to complete)

IB Film

Watch (5 hours): SPIKE LEE's "She's Gotta Have It" (TV Series, Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2); JEAN-PIERRE JEUNE's "Delicatessen"; RICHARD DONNER'S "The Goonies"

IB English Lang and Lit Y2 HL/SL

In order to prepare you for the level of rhetorical (nonfiction) and literary (fiction) analysis required in senior year of IB, please do the following:

  1. Read 1 novel of choice from this list OR a different FICTION text from an author you enjoyed last year; this can include a collection of poetry or short stories.

  2. Read 1 nonfiction book of choice from this list OR a different NONFICTION text from an author you enjoyed last year.

Annotations are highly encouraged.

Time required: varies according to student’s reading pace and chosen texts.

IB Literature

Hi Kids!  Please choose at least one novel from this list to read over the summer. We’ll be using the text you choose + a text from 1st semester to write comparative literary analysis papers. Each text is linked to a Goodreads review -- choose a novel you WANT to read. There are really great titles on that list. Enjoy!

IB Visual Arts HL & SL

HL/SL Comparative Study: complete analyses of all 3 artworks (markband criteria A, B, C, E). All in-text citations should be present and properly formatted; all references should be listed in the bibliography in correct format.

HL studio work: complete 2 pieces for presentation* in August

SL studio work: complete 1 piece for presentation* in August

*Continue to record process in the VJ; they will be collected at the critiques in August.

IB Mathematics HL & SL

Background reading/research for your Internal Assessment:

In the last week of school, our lessons were dedicated to understanding the demands of the Mathematics HL/SL Exploration. The draft for this internal assessment will not be due until October of the first semester of your senior year, but you are expected to begin your reading and research into a possible topic.

Upon your return to school, you will be asked to provide a minimum of two possible exploration topics, and a bibliography of the research you have undertaken.

IB Portuguese A L&L HL/SL

Ler o documento Gêneros Discursivos Textuais de Comunicação de Massa e preencher a tabela Gêneros Discursivos Textuais de Comunicação de Massa (Exemplares escolhidos pelos alunos) com um exemplo para cada um dos gêneros em negrito destacado.

** Como nos FOAs realizados, não poderá haver dois alunos com o mesmo exemplar. Espera-se que os alunos façam boas escolhas pois usarão os exemplares escolhidos em suas atividades (escritas e/ou orais).

** Tempo necessário para esta tarefa: depende muito de quanto tempo o aluno levar para fazer a pesquisa de um exemplar que satisfaça as suas necessidades. Aproximadamente 4h para realizar a tarefa toda.

Ms. Hughes Bio IB HL and SL

Complete the Topic 4 work posted on Google Classroom.

IB Theatre

Experience as much theatre as possible--whether live or on Digital Theatre Plus.

Prepare for the Director’s Notebook:

  1. Read a play a week, searching for YOUR play for the Director’s Notebook.Check Vibrant Voices for links.

    1. July 31 -- Play selected for your Director’s Notebook (sent to Ms. G via email)

    2. August 6 -- Part A: Context of Play DRAFT

IB Economics

International Economics Reading Packet (Students will be given packet,  instruction and guidance in Economics class)

IB History

The Road to World War II Reading Packet (Students will be given packet, instructions and guidance in History class)

IB Chemistry

Students will have a video assignment that will be posted to Google Classroom.