Português 7 e PAL Adv 7
Leitura do livro Ética para meus pais, de Yves de La Taille 

Humanities 7
Dear 7th Graders:

We are pleased to welcome you to 7th grade Humanities in August! This vacation, you will have the opportunity to choose your own book to read over the holiday break. Your assignment is to read at least one book during this time. Any books that you choose are expected to be at your independent reading level, which means that they are not too easy, nor are they too hard for you. They can be either fiction or nonfiction texts.  Electronic books are welcome. Please make an electronic copy of the reading log and record your books on the log as you read them. On the first day of school, please bring your favorite vacation book to class.  You will also be sharing your reading log electronically with your Humanities teacher, at that time. Please email debby.macek@graded.br, katie.accomazzo@graded.br, or david.butler@graded.br if you have questions.

We look forward to meeting you soon,

Ms. Accomazzo
Mrs. Macek
Mr. Butler

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