• All supplies should be labeled with student’s first and last name.
  • Each student should have enough supplies to last for the duration of the school year.
  • Only students enrolled in the native, or advanced level Portuguese should buy Portuguese books. Interview/testing for placement into a level of Portuguese will take place during New Student Orientation. These books and dictionaries can be bought locally after placement.
  • We recommend that you purchase your books through Livro Fácil, our school book store. However, students can purchase their books on their own, except those units that provide multiple book choices.  Please pay careful attention to the ISBN Number to ensure you get the same copy/edition as all other students.

General Supplies
Black Pens
Blue Pens
Glue or glue stick
Pencil sharpener
Colored pens/pencils
Straight-edge ruled paper

TI-83 or 84 calculator (required)
Dry-erase markers
Grid Paper Notebook
Electrical adapters for laptop (new Brazilian outlets)
Folder/ binder for loose paper/handouts
Lock for locker
Water bottle

Subject-Specific Supplies
Composition notebook (lined) for writing and daily work

Ring binder with loose-leaf paper for notes, labs, etc.

Band, Orchestra and Vocal Music
Concert Clothes: white button-down shirt, black slacks, black socks, and black dress shoes. (Orchestra: Tie for men)
A good quality microphone for recording band and Orchestra assignments (the microphones built into Mac laptops are usually adequate).
Highly recommended, but not required: a folding music stand.

Students must wear appropriate clothes for physical activities such as, T-shirt, tennis shoes, and socks, shorts or sweatpants/warm-ups. JEANS & CARGOS are not allowed.

Art and Color
1 sketchbook size A3 (canson paper) 



1 (provided to students): Short stories.

Quarter 2:
 Persepolis, by Marjane Sartrapi (ISBN 978-0375714573)

Quarter 3:
 Animal Farm, by George Orwell (ISBN 978-8129116123)

Quarter 4:
Antigone, by Sophocles: purchase through Middle School office at the start of Quarter 4.
Speeches: provided by teacher.

Quarto de despejo de Carolina Maria de Jesus (ISBN 978-850-8171-27-9)
Aos 7 e aos 40 de João Anzanello Carrascoza (ISBN 9788556520302) VACATION READ
Av. Paulista de Luiz Gê (ISBN 9788535919523)
de Bernardo Kucinsky (ISBN 9788577431892)
Vaga música de Cecília Meirelles (ISBN 9788526017689) 



Portuguese/English Dictionaries
Minidicionario Houaiss Da Lingua Portuguesa - Adaptado A Reforma Ortografica or
Mini Aurelio Dicionario Da Lingua Portuguesa - Ed. Positivo -Livros Ed. Objetiva

Michaelis Dicionário Escolar Inglês/Português - Português/Inglês - Editora Melhoramentos or
Dicionário Larousse Mini - Inglês/Português - Português/Inglês - Editora Larousse do Brasil