
Application Fee
A one-time, non-refundable fee in reais if you live in Brazil or in dollars if you live elsewhere. Applications will be considered only when this fee has been received.  

Education Insurance (optional)
1.38% of the monthly tuition fee to be included in the monthly bill. Please contact the Business Office for more details.

Activities and Materials
Although your tuition will cover most books and school materials, as well as lunch, there are several activities and special classes that will require a separate fee. Costs for materials or activities are subject to change.

Middle School Classroom Without Walls / High School Trips - Grades 6-12
These trips are a required aspect of our curricular programs, and all students are expected to participate. These program fees are added to the monthly tuition.

Trips - All School (Optional)
Co-curricular trip costs will be provided to parents and billed following parental approval.

After-school Activities - All School (Optional)
Activities are available from 3:15-4:00 pm. Charges are provided at the start of each semester.

Additional Books/Digital Resources - Grades 6-12
Students must purchase a variety of school texts for reference, note-taking, and class discussion. Some classes also make use of digital resources.

International Baccalaureate (IB) - Grades 11 and 12
Families are responsible for paying all IB examination and registration fees. The fees range from US$565-US$1,070 and must be paid to the school in November of grade 12 prior to the May examination session.  For further details, please consult the IB Coordinator. Families are also liable for any additional IB fees incurred due to student delays in registration or changes to course levels after November of grade 12. The optional legalization of results and “inquiry upon results” will incur an additional fee. 

Note: Private tutoring services, which must be conducted off campus, are private matters between parents and tutors and Graded is unable to facilitate such arrangements.

There may be additional fees not listed. Please check in with Admissions for further questions and/or information.

This fee schedule cancels and replaces all prior schedules, as part of the 2023-2024 agreements for rendering educational services. Issuing Date: February 17, 2023.