Computer Equipment Loan Policy

This policy applies to students in the upper school (middle and high.) It does not apply to students in the lower school, as Graded supplies classrooms in that division with the appropriate technology necessary for a robust learning environment.  

Graded is a one-to-one school and a “bring your own device” (BYOD) institution. It is expected that all students come to school ready to study, with fully charged and functional laptops that fulfill the minimum requirements. These requirements allow students to fully participate in educational activities while also receiving support from teachers and the ICT Department.

The school recognizes that students will occasionally have technical issues, arrive at school without fully charged devices, or forget laptops altogether. Because Graded strives to empower students to take ownership of their learning, Graded will not lend any equipment to any students. This includes chargers, adapters, cameras, calculators, power cords, and any other device or auxiliary equipment not specified here.

Should a student’s computer break or be otherwise unavailable, parents must request a loaner by emailing, at least 24 hrs in advance.

In case of accidents on campus, students may request loaner equipment with the previous approval of their divisional Principals or Associate Principals.

If the equipment or auxiliary equipment is returned damaged or defaced, the student will be charged for the damage. This also applies to classroom Chromebooks. 

Should you have questions, please contact the ICT Department by emailing, dialing (11) 3747 4800 ext. 767, or, if on campus, coming to the ICT Office during work hours.