Teaching and Learning


The Teaching and Learning Department supports Graded School’s mission through curriculum review and implementation, teacher professional learning, and Graded’s libraries.


Our Curriculum

We provide a coherent and robust curriculum that progresses from Pre-primary through grade 12. Graded students graduate with the necessary knowledge, skills, concepts, processes, and attitudes to participate as global citizens in the 21st century.

Learn more about the curriculum.


Approach to Assessment

In our classrooms, we employ an Assessment for Learning and Assessment as Learning approach. Teachers provide regular feedback to students and offer them multiple opportunities to demonstrate their learning.

Learn more about assessment.


Our Professional Learning

We value and commit to teacher professional learning. Through a combination of workshops, study groups, and coaching, Graded School and Graded’s Learning Lab provide various on-site training opportunities for our faculty and staff.

Teachers also collaborate with their division administrators to develop and implement Professional Growth and Feedback plans.

Learn more about professional learning.