Library Expectations
The library is a great place to discover, explore, imagine, investigate, locate and access information, study, collaborate, work on homework, browse magazines, and read for pleasure. To ensure that the library meets the needs of ALL patrons, please adhere to the following expectations:
The US Library study rooms are reserved for high school students and faculty.
Remember that you are in a public space and that many patrons are reading and studying; please talk quietly. Students wishing to socialize can take advantage of the Student Center.
Wear headphones when listening to music or watching videos.
Step out of the library when speaking on cell phones, conducting video meetings, etc.
Use of technology in the library is for school-related work.
Activities such as playing video games or watching Netflix are permitted only during lunch/recess.
Library iPads should not be altered.
Allow the library staff to reshelve books and magazines; leave items for reshelving at the circulation desk, on carts, or on tables.
Eat and drink outside of the library. Water is allowed.
Students who do not comply with the above expectations may lose their library privileges for a period of time which is determined by the library staff and/or administration.