High School Activities

The Graded Activities Program allows students to participate in a wealth of activities that complement but are not part of the regular school curriculum. Through the activities program, students can pursue an area of personal interest in a collaborative setting, develop intercultural competency, and become engaged, ethical citizens. We believe that:

  • Activities are an integral part of Graded’s overall curricular program.
  • Every student should have the opportunity to become involved to some extent.
  • Sponsors and students should, at all levels, develop and exhibit accepted attitudes of cooperation, citizenship, good sportsmanship, and dedication.

The program is organized into four sections: Academics and Leadership, Arts, Athletics, and Service. Students may sign up for activities at any time throughout the year, but we strongly recommend signing up during the Activity Fair held during FLEX early in the year.

Some of the activities offered are listed below. Please refer to the Graded High School Club Guide for the most up-to-date activities list, as well as for details such as times, location, requirements, and the best ways to join. Keep in mind that activities may vary from semester to semester.

HS Athletics and Activities 2024-25 (Semester 2) Information Document

Registration Guidelines 

  • Registration opens on Saturday, January 25, at 1:00 pm and closes at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, January 28.
  • Registration for activities will be done directly in PowerSchool (in the same place you find your child’s schedule). 
  • Detailed instructions on how to navigate the new registration platform can be found here
  • Please make sure that you test your PowerSchool login before registration opens so you have access to the registration platform.
  • Some activities have limited spots available, so they are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Sports teams will have tryouts to determine the best placement. Places are not guaranteed, but there is no limit on how many students can try out.

Badminton Club
Baking for All
Beauty at Graded Club
Chess Club
Coding in Python
Debate Club
Destination Imagination
Drama Club
Film Club
Graded Happiness Club
Graded Instrument Learning Center (GILC)
Graded Live
Graded Mentoring and Tutoring Program (GMT)
Graded STEM Club
Graded Table Tennis Club
HACIA Democracy
Honor Choir

Investment Club
Jazz Band
Knowledge Bowl
Math Club
Math Counts
Model United Nations (MUN)
Movie Fund
Photo Club
Strength & Conditioning Club
Student Athletic Leadership Team (SALT)
Student Council
Sudoku Club
TEDxYouth at Graded Club
TES (Technology-Engineering-Science) Club
The Talon
Truco Club