Graded's Renovated Lower School Library Will Offer a Flexible, Collaborative Learning Space
Rendering of the renovated Lower School Library.
“Congratulations on the new library, because it isn’t just a library. It is a spaceship that will take you to the farthest reaches of the Universe, a time machine that will take you to the far past and the far future, a teacher that knows more than any human being, a friend that will amuse you and console you—and most of all, a gateway, to a better and happier and more useful life." ― Isaac Asimov
Prepare to be whisked away on adventures that take you to the farthest reaches of the Universe, the past, and the future, as the newly renovated Lower School Library opens soon! Designed by the same architectural firm responsible for the 2019 Upper School Library renovation, the bright, whimsical Lower School Library, with a flexible format, will serve as a multi-functional space.
A physical learning environment can have an enormous impact on students. When designing the space, architects took into consideration the wide age range in the lower school, aiming to create a space that supports three-year-olds to pre-teens. Libraries are no longer simply quiet repositories for books, nor are their services confined to a physical space. The renovated Lower School Library promises to be a hub of learning, both physical and virtual, where students can connect, create, gain new knowledge, and develop understanding.
Baldy and his little bookworm friend will guide lower school students.
The adaptable space will house modular furniture, which can be rearranged to accommodate author visits, parent presentations, and club events. The library will meet a wide range of needs including individual study, quiet reading, collaborative work, group research, and team meetings. The additional square footage will include a storytelling area and a classroom, so that multiple classes may utilize the facility simultaneously.
The renovated library will offer a warm and welcoming atmosphere. A reading tower, cozy nooks with soft furnishings, and a rock garden with movable pillows will entice students to read, explore, and collaborate. Bright and colorful displays will attract students and encourage them to investigate new books and topics. Signage with guiding visuals will foster independence among pre-readers.
Technology will enhance information and digital literacy acquisition. iPads, Chromebooks, television screens, and a printer/scanner will be available for student use. Students will navigate a digital library catalog, explore reading apps, access information via subscription databases, and publish their own stories.
Whimsical trees will decorate the space.
The Lower School Library maintains a large and varied physical and digital collection. With a focus on inclusivity and accessibility, the library offers a wealth of materials in various formats to meet the needs of all students. The print collection provides a vast range of diverse and inclusive books and resources that reflects the interests, experiences, and identities of everyone in the Graded community. Furthermore, the library hosts an immense collection of digital books, magazines, and subscription databases for student research and exploration.
The renovated Lower School Library will facilitate learning adventures beyond the pages of books with its adaptable space, warm atmosphere, technological resources, and wealth of diverse materials.
As Isaac Asimov said, "a library is not just a library but a spaceship, a time machine, a teacher, and a friend."
Stay tuned for news about the grand opening to check it out yourself!