PTA Board 2024-25
The 2024-25 Board
Priscila Castello Branco Russomanno
Vice President
Mercedes Vidal
Carolina Queiroz Hallack
Natalie de la Rosa
Lower School Representatives
Fabiana Scalamandre Fernandes
Isabelle Miller
Marcela Arnaiz
Maria Augsta Vidigal Lerro
Simone Medeiros Paz
Valentina Vivo
Middle School Representatives
Jon Kellner
Luz Alonso
Viridiana Estrada
High School Representatives
Adriana Vilela
Andrea Mimassi
Lily Lee
Ticiana Strozenberg
Communications Chair
Sonia Gierti
Logistics Chair
Mylena Kalil
Fine Arts Chair
Tricia Nosenzo
Thanksgiving Chairs
Julia Rutkowski
Rebecca Roman
7 de Setembro Chair
Bruna Figueiredo
Festa dos Funcionários Chair
Shirley Chang
Celebration of the World Chairs
Ligia Rosenberg
Andrea Vieira Batista
Teacher Appreciation Week Chairs
Luciana Medici
Book Club Chair
Janaina Fiorini
Festa Junina Chair
Andrea Ercolin Bartelle
Welcome New Families Chairs
Camila Appendino
Manuella Rosa Lopes da Cunha
Outreach Program Chair
Paula Quatro
Position Descriptions
a) President:
- Oversee and coordinate the work of the Executive Board and run the PTA effectively and efficiently. Hold weekly Executive Board meetings.
- Work closely with the school administration to address parents' issues and concerns.
- Serve as the PTA's official contact, communicator, and representative.
- Have the ability to address issues in a timely, concise and positive manner.
- Put together the PTA and school calendars in June, before the next school year.
- Work with the Treasurer to monitor all operating expenses on all committees for the academic year.
- Have monthly meetings with the Treasurer to go over the PTA finances.
- Check in with all committees to encourage and keep events on track.
- Preside over monthly PTA Board meetings.
- Approve the monthly newsletter with the Communication chair.
- Supervise and coordinate posts for the Graded PTA Instagram account.
- Approve all messages sent by each Divisional Rep on behalf of the PTA on all communication channels.
b) Vice President (VP):
- Serve as the primary support to the President.
- Share the workload of the President.
- Be involved in the day-to-day operations of the PTA.
- In the absence of the President, the VP must be able to preside over meetings.
- Oversee the Senior Community Service Award.
- Support all PTA party committees.
- Meet regularly with the Executive Board members.
c) Treasurer:
- Responsible for all funds of the PTA.
- Maintain and reconcile all bank accounts, and pay all PTA invoices on time.
- Prepare and present the Financial Report and Budget at the end-of-the-year board meeting.
- Serve as the primary contact for all PTA-related financial items.
- Be proficient in Microsoft Excel.
- Assist event committee chairs in financial matters, including expenses, payments, sales, and revenue.
- Keep timely and appropriate records to present the profits to the PTA Board.
- Explain the rules and procedures for financial expenses and payments at the beginning of the school year, preferably in the first PTA Board meeting.
d) Secretary:
- Attend and organize all PTA Board meetings, keep track of attendance, take an accurate record of minutes, including motions and actions, and share the minutes with the board.
- Be committed to helping the President conduct a business-like meeting.
- Must have prompt and accurate knowledge of the PTA activities.
- Keep secure official and permanent PTA records, including original minutes.
- Organize yearly elections.
- Manage the official PTA email account.
e) Lower School Representative
- Must attend all monthly PTA Board Meetings.
- Must attend all monthly meetings with the Administration.
- Must be a liaison between teachers, room parents, and PTA.
- Plan and Conduct Room Parent Training at the beginning of the school year.
- Distribute the approved communications for Grade Level WhatsApp groups and room parent communication.
- Ensure that WhatsApp group guidelines are followed.
- Organize the Holiday Bake Sale at the Lower School Concert
- Help Portuguese teachers with the Carnaval Assembly.
- Plan 2-3 lower school socials (Movie Night has become very popular).
- Collect funds and make purchases for COTW LS baskets.
- Assist Administration with requests that may come up.
f) Middle School Representative
- Must attend all meetings with the middle school principal
- Must attend all PTA Board meetings.
- Provide a means of communication between parents and Administration concerning all matters, from academics to student behavior (e.g., drugs).
- Bring parent and student feedback to Administration concerning school events such as CWW, teacher conferences, etc.
- Meet with MS Administration once a month to exchange information.
- Plan one MS Movie Night/Parent Social per semester.
- Collect funds and make purchases for COTW MS baskets.
- Distribute the approved communications for Grade Level WhatsApp groups and room parent communication.
- Ensure that WhatsApp group guidelines are followed.
g) High School Representative
- Must attend all meetings with the high school principal.
- Must attend all PTA Board meetings.
- Distribute the approved communications for Grade Level WhatsApp groups and room parent communication.
- Ensure that WhatsApp group guidelines are followed.
- Provide a means of communication between parents and Administration concerning all matters, from academics to student behavior (drugs, etc.).
- Bring parent and student feedback to Administration concerning school events such as CWW.
- Collect funds and make purchases for COTW HS baskets.
- Obtain food donations and help organize them at the Film Festival.
- Stay in touch with IB counselors and Administrators regarding IB diploma years and assist in IB art presentations/performances.
- Organize Senior Breakfast.
- Grade 12 Rep is a liaison between parents/school and the Graduation Dinner Committee.
- Organize the PTA Goodwill Scholarship Essay Competition.
h) Communications Chair:
- Prepare the PTA newsletter and submit it for approval by the President and to the Graded Advancement Communications Department for review
- Prepare all messages that are sent out to grade-level WhatsApp groups.
- Coordinate and revise event communications, subject to Executive Committee approval. Liaise with the Advancement Communications Department.
- Must attend all PTA Board meetings.
- Must be fluent in written and spoken English.
i) Logistics Chair:
- Manage and organize PTA storage rooms and supplies.
- Coordinate the use, return, and storage of PTA supplies inventory.
- Oversee the appropriate handle and care of PTA supplies.
- Must attend all PTA Board meetings.
Event Chairs
a) 7 de Setembro Chair:
- Put together and coordinate a team that will plan a cultural event for all students along with the school's Portuguese Department. The event's primary purpose is to show and share Brazil’s history.
- Adhere to the budget provided and the financial procedures described in the PTA Financial Handbook.
b) Welcome Party Chair:
- Put together and coordinate a team that will welcome new families during orientation days (August and January).
- Organize the “Graded Buddy System.”
- Adhere to the budget provided and financial procedures described in the PTA Financial Handbook.
c) Teacher Appreciation Week (TAW) Chair and Co-Chair:
- Coordinate a team and organize a three-day event to recognize and celebrate all faculty members.
- Adhere to the budget provided and the financial procedures described in the PTA Financial Handbook.
d) Thanksgiving Chair and Co-Chair:
- Coordinate a team and organize a Thanksgiving celebration consisting of a party and a bazaar.
- Adhere to the budget provided and the financial procedures described in the PTA financial handbook.
e) Staff Appreciation Chair (Festa dos Funcionários):
- Plan and run all activities related to the Staff Appreciation Party. (Through this event, we show gratitude and recognize the efforts of our school workers, including kitchen, maintenance, security, gardeners, cleaning, and bus drivers.)
- Adhere to the budget provided and the financial procedures described in the PTA Financial Handbook.
f) Celebration of the World (COTW) Committee (Chair and Co-Chair):
COTW is an event that celebrates the diversity within the Graded Community, including a variety of food and cultural showcases from around the world.
- Adhere to the budget provided and to financial procedures described in the PTA Financial Handbook.
- Establish a team and organize a COTW event coordinating and supervising committees to conduct:
- Country booths
- Raffle basketso Silent auction
- Ticket sales
- Communication
- Entertainment
- Countries parade
- Sports activities
g) Festa Junina Chair and Co-Chair:
- Coordinate a team and organize the traditional Brazilian Festa Junina celebration.
- Adhere to the budget provided and to financial procedures described in the PTA Financial Handbook
h) Fine Arts Representative
- Coordinate with the Orchestra, Band, Choir, and Theater teachers to connect parent volunteers to assist when needed in developing performances.
- Assist, if needed, in coordinating the beverages and snacks at intermission and post-show.
- Coordinate with the school to present flowers at the end of performances.
If you are interested in running for a position, please email by May 27 at 8:00 pm, with your full name, nationality, and child(ren)’s grade level(s) for the next school year. Emails sent after this date will not be considered.